well, well, well. look what we have here! 2012… the year the world will come to an end through a giant tidal wave …or something like that. just kidding. i don’t believe that. and if i’m wrong? well, i read the back of the book and we win.
last new year’s eve looked like this. and this new year’s eve i was “asleep”, which means tossing and tuning in bed, by 11. homegirl could not even make it one more hour. who do i think i am? a pregnant insomniac? oh wait, i am one.
we did manage a little movie time before i hit the sheets. we rented warrior and i, surprisingly, watched almost all of it, and only shielded my eyes or played on pinterest when they were actually fighting. but it was a really good movie! and, the night before i saw new years eve, my first time in a movie theatre since i was pregnant with foster, which was when i saw one of my favorite movies, julie and julia. food and blogging. blogging and food. what could be better?
2011 was such a sweet and exciting year for our family.
here’s a look back on what i documented right here on this little blog. and if you don’t have a blog… that should be your number one new year’s resolution. write down the things you don’t want to forget. cause we all forget.
i hosted a little headband swap, which would become the first of hopefully many swaparoos.
i told you all how i felt about breastfeeding. which i will be doing again in approximately 2 months. HELP ME.
i also told you all how i fell in love.
in march i decided that i was going to get myself to blog sugar one way or another. so i started selling my yarn wreaths and headbands and bought my plane ticket from those sales. thanks for supporting a sista.
brody memorized his first bible verse. be still my heart.
i think this was my first WIWW… which is quite comical that i actually participate in this link up on occasion anyway, since most days i don’t wear a bra.
we soaked up the sunshine in florida and i met my first batch of blogging friends in real life. love ya, ladies.
i turned 25 and you all bought 199 books for the joyful life library!
my husband and i committed to teach our kids about sex.
i started the beauty book project.
we finished our laundry room.
i spent $15 to give myself ombre hair.
we shared our adoption news with all of you.
i wrote about what our kind of perfect looks like.
i got knocked up.
i told you how i got my boys to sleep well as babies…and how they still do because of it.
we spent a week at my favorite lake in the adirondacks.
we held our one sweet love adoption fundraiser and raised $2,000.. the exact amount needed for our first payment to our agency.
caleb and i celebrated five years married.
i told you that i would have been thrilled if this little baby growing inside of me was another boy.
…and then we found out that she’s a girl!
i planned and had our LOVE146 task force’s first event: craft 4 love. and it was a huge success.
i wrote about how to talk to a pregnant woman.
and a lot of other things in between all of that..
y’all have a lot of links to click on and it will be a miracle if all of them link to the correct thing. and i still have to come up with a word for this year. …and a list of goals, resolutions, or things i won’t even think about after january 15th. ya know the deal.
happy 2012! i love this year already.
My favorite is still "I got knocked up." Youre so funny. Heres to another great year of blogging and life…and no tidal waves….in 2012!
holla, twenty twelve.
so happy and grateful we met last year, you are a gift to my heart!
praise jesus for new beginnings, love you!
i love you more and more, sista friend.
cant wait to see what 2012 brings for you! And THANK YOU for posting that verse! haah we do win 🙂
Happy New Year to you and your family, Danielle!
i love being a winner.
and i love you to the moon and back.
i read all this stuff as you posted it, but it was fun to reread some of it! 2012 is gonna be a big year for you! possibly 2 babies?! so exciting!
Happy New Year 🙂
I am a new follower of your blog and look forward to reading more of your posts! I am a young mama (23) of two little girls Emma (3) and Audrey (1).
you guys are cute.
happy new year!