remember the let down i had with my craigslist couch and chair? what do you know… the super happy seller emailed me to tell me he was back in town, and if my husband could maneuver them out of the apartment, then we just might have ourselves a new couch and chair. if my husband could maneuver it out, does he know my husband? my precious couch and chair were just a hop, skip and truck ride away. i, of course, emailed him to make sure i could get a large chunk taken off the price because i had already made the drive once, and the trip down the stairs with the couch eight times. he agreed. score.
so we deep cleaned our lovely new furniture and are getting ready to say goodbye to our old couch tomorrow night. i am a little sad to see it go, as it was our first big purchase as a married couple. but not that sad. you have treated us well, sectional. and you have been covered in baby puke, spit up, too much food and drinks to list, and dare i say it, projectile newborn poop. don’t worry, craigslist buyer, your new couch was deep cleaned too.
some of brody’s final jumps on our first couch
you have a super cute family. cute blog too!
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