friday night is always hopping for us. by hopping i mean i usually grocery shop. i had to get diapers, wipes, and a couple other things at target. my honey texted me that he desperately needed boston baked beans and cookies and cream ice cream. a random pairing but, what he was craving, nonetheless. i didn’t even know what boston baked beans were and i couldn’t find them anyway. #targetfail. i had to grab a box to ship one of my 18 inch wreaths from sugar money. i normally buy them elsewhere because they are cheaper and don’t have to be cut down but i didn’t feel like driving all over creation. what is that saying…all over creation? it sort of just came out of my fingers as i was typing.
while checking out, the 16 year old red headed boy said to me, what’s the box for? oh, i’m shipping a wreath in it. that’s an obnoxiously large box don’t you think? well, it’s an 18 inch wreath so i need an 18 inch box. uggghh and shakes his head in disgust. why this adolescent target cashier was so concerned with the box i was buying… i will never know.
my mama came and spent a couple nights here with the boys and i last week. caleb and my dad were away on a little fishing trip so we had some girl time. we had big plans of organizing the playroom and attacking the catastrophe that is the boys clothes. but, for some reason, both nights we looked at each other and said “i don’t really feel like cleaning” and shrugged our shoulders. we decided eating pastries and watching american idol was a much better idea. i meant to take pictures of our time together but i think i was too busy eating canolis. bad, bad blogger.
this was my first time watching american idol all season and i may have teared up as the southern boy went to his hometown and was overwhelmed with all the people and support. he better win.
ummm… you know what season it is, right?
garage sale season!!!
can you hear the crowd going wild?
my mom scored big with this remote control fire truck for the boys. brody is already learning the ropes and loving his life. it may be the find of the day. or maybe these were.
vintage hankies for $.25 a piece. say what. these might just make it onto toss pillows for my bedroom. mmhmm. i can see it now.
but, my favorite find of the day was clearly this last one…
wait for it….
wait for it…
i think this is called a butler. it is for a man to stare at himself and hang his ties. or something like that. i had driven by it twice and wondered what in the world it was. my original plan was to find a floor mirror. that didn’t work out so good. the only one i saw was being carried out of garage by a passerby who made it to the sale only minutes before me. for reals, woman? that’s okay, cause i got this baby for THREE BUCKS. read it and weep. it may not be a full length mirror but it is a small oval one and that’s that. who needs a full length mirror in their house anyway?
plans for this butler include spray paint and hanging purses. yes yes yes.
guess what else happened this weekend?
our swing set came and caleb and my dad spent approximately twelve hours setting it up.
see that face? the twelve hours? so worth it.
when the guys were still working i called out the window to tell them lunch was ready and there was a snake right thur. of course my camera was around my neck.
my honey shot him in the head. i kinda liked it. it’s true.
it finally stopped raining and we finally cut our grass. our deepest apologizes to all surrounding us. i’m surprised our neighbors didn’t egg our house or something.
more good news…we have gone bug/bee problem free this weekend. it is such a huge blessing. thank you for all of your thoughts, suggestions and prayers. we appreciate them so.
one more thing.
see this little hole in the wall cubby space?
i love it but i have never wanted it to be the broom holder it’s become. i want to wallpaper the back then have my man put shelves in for cook books and cute little thangs. is there is a place i can buy a 10 inch by 63 inch piece of wallpaper? the smallest piece of wallpaper ever purchased. i’m not about to buy a roll of wallpaper for that piece. if you have awesome wallpaper and want to cut me a piece that size and send it, i will pay you for it and for shipping. puhlesase.
and, that’s all.
congratulations on reading the longest, most random post ever.
wowsers that was a great deal! yeah, yeah, yeah for no more buggy issues, praying they are gone for good! here's an etsy shop that has some vintage paper I'm digging:
you could modge podge craft paper in that great nook of a place…i have seen that done before! And shut the front door you found a snake? THAT IS CRAZY!!! Can you tell im a city girl who is deathly afraid of snakes? hahahah
hahaha…I love random posts. Its a true snapshot into your life, not something all fancy and planned out like we always try to do. Very relaxed.
And I love that you loved your man shooting the snake. "Get im honey!"
Ive got a super cute giveaway going on right now…just in case you'd like a chance:)
Have a great week!
a) our kitchen sinks are identical. paint brushes and bubbles.
b) i like that you say toss pillows.
(use scrapbook paper, and mod podge it to the back. it'll look great.)
I love the randomness and that butler is awesome!!
I love randomness…I relate to it so well. It's the way I write and talk. So, thank you for the randomness…I loved it all.
That mirrow is such a good find! I wish I was good at garage selling. (that's right.. I'm NOT good at it)
And your family is the CUTEST!
Use scrapbook paper for your cubby~ modpodge it and you're golden!
i want that butler thingy. you have awesome garage sales in your town…for reals!
I'm so grateful for the bug/bee dramam free weekend! So nice to see him outside having the time of his life! We are getting a new swing set next weekend and I'm scared about how long it's gonna take to put together.
Just a thought…could you not use spray adhesive or modge podge with scrapbook paper to do the little cubby? Or even fabric? Can't wait to see what you do 😉
Did I really just suggest paper and modge podge after like 4 other people??? Sorry girl, lol!
your boys are precious and i love the garage sale finds…i need to get out there and start finding some treasures.
i'm tryin real hard not to be envious of your garage sale finds! awesome! your boys are like the cutest things ever.
lock your doors danielle i might just have to hop on a plane in the middle of the night and come steal that butler! i have been trying to get one for my husband that doesn't break the bank.
What a fun swingset! And I love that butler thing-y — can't wait to see it after you spray paint it and all 🙂
you have the best garage sale finds! can i come shop in your town? and your kids on the swing set is dreamy. their faces are presh. can't wait to get one for my little birdie.
i love your kitchen wall color. and that teapot. i also love that your husband shoots snakes. awesome.
ohmyWORD, i love your idea and your cubby hole!
i wish i had wallpaper for ya, dear.
i've seen pictures of some awesome stuff.
We in the south drive all over tarnation, but creation works too! 😉
three dollars? what the what?!!
you were just kidding about killing the snake right? he would have just slithered away, but kudos to your man if he actually has the chops to shoot a garter snake in the head…
Okay, this has nothing to do with this particular post, just had to say, your family is too cute! xxoo