my heart is heavy for those hurting this morning. it has been for a while now. i have prayed this prayer to you many times, Lord. i don’t want my faith in you to waver for one minute, i don’t want my confusion to turn into questioning. i don’t always know why you allow things to happen the way you do, Lord, and a lot of times i cry out and wish your plan would have been different, so very different. i pray that you turn the mourning, the sadness and the sorrow into praise to you; our King. because you are worthy of it. i pray that you take the burdens of your people and carry them. i pray for the comfort and peace that only you can give. i pray that those who see injustices taking place will not question you, will not to question your greater plan. i pray that they will see you for who you really are: a God of compassion and a God of love. i pray that their joy, my joy, our joy is in you and only you. that nothing could ever steal my joy away, for it is grounded in my everlasting Saviour. i pray for the burdens, and for those roads that we never wanted to walk, for you to turn them into the times that our faith was most strengthened in you Lord.
it sounds like you are going through a rough time…been there. i'm sorry. i always remember the verse in psalms, "the Lord is near to the brokenhearted". He is closer than you think.
Hey Mama! thanks so much for posting this. I feel like sometimes as mamas, we are too busy being strong for our husbands, and kids and friends sometimes we forget to be vulnerable. and you did just that. for the whole world to see. Remember, NOTHING can separate us from the LOVE of our LORD! ( also, i am totally hooked on JJ Heller. Never heard them before, so thanks!)
SUCH a beautiful song. I'm so glad you posted it.
From the somber and prayful tone of your post we can all tell you are going through something. I'm sending you big warm thoughts and hugs, and praying along with you that everything will be ok.
this is a beautiful prayer. i'm joining you in sending it to Him.
Praying for you, sister.
Hey, I found your blog randomly by searching on Google for yarn wreath tutorials.. I found your tutorial to be awesome & was even more awed by your most recent post. I love when God leads me to fellow believers via blogs, esp when it's this random. Your prayer was beautiful, don't let the world sway your passions & continue to be salt to the world around you. My devotional this morning was in Numbers & it had a lot to do with your plea to God. Keep your head up! (Sorry if this was a lot for the first comment ever haha.. whoops!) Godbless <3