- these verses: luke 12:27-28 “consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet i say unto you, that solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. if then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will He clothe you, o ye of little faith?”
- praying over my word of year. i did commit to rejoice in all things. i feel like i need to keep reminding myself of that lately.
- this song: i’ve probably listened to it fifteen times in a row now. crying and singing it through eating my breakfast. crying for the cross, crying for the grave. rejoicing for He lives!
- i bought this print last night and i can’t wait to hang it up in our house as a constant reminder that His grace abounds to me. His grace abounds to me. the love and grace of precious Jesus, my heart is so full this morning.
- i first read about sergey on meg’s blog and was so moved by this family’s heart for their sweet baby boy they are waiting to bring home.
they are adopting through reece’s rainbow and running this fundraiser through april 25th. meg shared this comment on her blog that sums up how i feel about this: “can you imagine if each person who visited here gave ten dollars? just ten dollars. the price of a magazine and a latte. a new pair of flipflops. a super pack of toilet paper. a sub, chips and a drink. sergey would be home in a wink and his life made whole again.i pray that it happens. for danielle and for sergey. i hope and i pray. because every child is a child of God. not just the perfect ones. God does not make mistakes. and sergey deserves a good life. we must make it so. we must.” blogging can be used for so much good, and this is one of those times. can you help bring sergey home? every entry is $10 and there are some crazy awesome prizes for the winner. i’m talking iPAD2, $100 to target, a silhouette sd machine, and SO much more. let’s be a part of something greater than ourselves today. let’s show Christ’s love and give in His name. give here.
happy weekend, my friends. be blessed.
I gave 10 dollars but wish that I had the money to give so much more…my prayers will have to do…
wow what a pretty song! i've never heard it. love that: COME AWAKE! yes….indeed….
thanks for sharing the song! perfect timing for me to hear that.
this was a free download on itunes a few weeks ago and we have started singig this at our house church. it's beautiful! thank you for intentionally writing this morning what is on your heart.
Oh thank you for sharing!! Definitely made my friday a happy one.
I love Easter time and that it makes me realize even MORE that Christ lives and he loves us! I need to celebrate in that moooore often!
we sing this at church and i cry too. you are not alone, sister.
thank you for linking us to sergey's story. Down Syndrome is near & dear to my heart {my youngest sister}….praying he comes home soon!! going to donate now!!
beautiful song! how can you not cry!
have a fabulous weekend 🙂
love your blog and love your heart 🙂
enjoy your friday!
I've been in tears all morning because of this post and all the links that go with it!!
oh i've been loving this song on christian satellite radio all week!! thanks for sharing what's on your heart. missed you at mops – hope foster is feeling better!
Danielle, thank you so much for sharing our story and for your donation! You have greatly blessed us with your desire to come along side us in this journey:) God bless!
beautiful. rejoice this weekend! i will be too!
this song is a delight to my soul. as are you xo
did you know that verse was on my blog yesterday? we must both REALLY be needing to pay attention to that one.
the sergey story is inspiring. i wish adoption didn't cost so much but i trust the Lord for them!
you rock.
you are helping sergey get to have a mama hold him….for the first time.
he has never felt a mother's love.
or a sister.
or a brother.
or a dad.
can you even imagine?
you are a part of helping that be.
thank you.
we are one with Him again! oh rejoice!
blessings sweet friend!
i've been LOVING that song this week, too. oh, the good news is so good!
love the bokeh in the last photo!
love you girl.