mother’s day means so much to me today. the lord has blessed me with the two sweetest boys and the job i have always wanted; being a mom. for this short time i have here on earth i get this most wonderful and rewarding opportunity, i wouldn’t have it any other way. i am grateful each day for the privilege that motherhood is. today, i am thankful for my mom. mom, you make me want to be a better mother to my boys. you are the most giving, kind and caring person i have ever known. thank you for showing me what being a mom is all about. thank you for your support, your friendship and your love. happy mother’s day to my wonderful mother-in-law, sister-in-laws and friends. i am thankful for each of you, your children and for your parenting that is centered around christ. for those of you whose hearts aches on mother’s day…those who are longing to be moms, those who are missing their moms, those who have lost a child, or for whatever reason it may be, this is a day you dread….know that you are not alone or forgotten. “because of the lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness” -lamentations 3:22-23
thanks~ I love you and am so proud of the daughter, wife and mother you are, and that God
is first and formost in your life – so glad you had a good mother's day