i smell like coffee and i smile of good conversation. tonight was a sweet night after a long, tiring day. the gift of girlfriends is a gift like no other, especially now as a mother. they are my breath of fresh air.
today brody and i collided while he was running around at the witching hour, aka 4:00 pm. he slipped and slid right into my little potato storage bin that holds everything but potatoes. my beloved 50mm 1.8 lens, a gift from parents for christmas, was sitting a top it. wouldn’t you know it crashed to the ground right before my very eyes. it was my fault, i had left it there. but i was mad, i was upset and i was frustrated. it was not a good feeling. it was sort of the cherry on top of a few not so great days.
my break from blogging has let me sit back and reevaluate what blogging is for me, what i am doing it for and why i am doing it. it has stirred up emotions in me. i have seen several people, some friends, take a break from blogging or call it quits, for good, and for legitimate reasons that i respect. i have read posts that i agree with and posts that i don’t understand, and some that convict me. i said to my man the other night, what if i just stopped blogging? he said, why would you stop blogging? you love it. i do love it. did i forget my love for it while i was not tap, tapping the keys away at 10:53 pm like i am tonight? did i forget how much i have learned about myself and how many others i now hold dear because of blogging? i think it’s easy to forget. it’s easy to get sidetracked.
it’s easy to take something so great and turn it sour. it easy to let little sins seep into our hearts, and a blogging world that is meant to be great, fun and helpful can into something of comparison, and doubt and heavy heartedness quickly. i don’t ever want blogging to become something where i am writing out more than living out. i love my blog for writing out what we live. these little things i cherish and hold dear. the moments, the memories, the words that have touched me. the things that make me laugh, the things i find lovely.
when i began to write, and record, and photograph my life i never imagined that i would have people i don’t know reading my words. i feel blessed to have this little voice and for each of you who take the time to read what i write. as hard as it to put yourself out there and be vulnerable… it is good for me. it is good for my heart. it makes me more intentional. more intentional in motherhood, and more intentional in relationships in general.
i am writing this post mostly to just sort out my thoughts. to be thankful on ‘paper’ for blogging and all the good there is in it. for each of us who share our stories that just might impact someone else’s story along the way. i have to admit that i have no big plans for this blog, no goals to meet. my plans are to savor the moments, laugh, think, wonder, document and share His grace. if i am doing that i feel like i am doing just what i should be.
aw, sure love you. your heart is beautiful friend
amen sister.
and i am so sorry about your lens 🙁
This is a beautiful post, friend. I think it's incredibly important to always be evaluating why we blog. I totally agree with you about blogging causing us to be more intentional. That is what it really is for me. I'm so thankful for that.
oh, how i love, love, love this.
i could have written this post–besides the lens, i am so sorry! : (
i feels the same way about blogging and your reasons for blogging are similar to mine–i am not trying to "do" anything with my blogging except get it out and share and remember and reflect and connect. i had no idea i would ever love it so much but i do. it is good for my heart too and it is me, really me–and i love that.
YOU are a breath of fresh air in my day, Danielle!
i, for one, am really grateful for the ministry you provide here. i think we're all guilty sometimes of playing the comparison game, or of making our blogs smaller than they are. the truth is, you've established quite a community, and the uplifting and encouraging that goes on in this space is a blessing. our Father has a presence in blog world too. 🙂 keep writing!
I think your plans for your blog are right on target! It is so evident that your priorities are in the right place 😉
And thanks for featuring my cards!
yes and amen.
the blogging world is weird. i would miss your freshness you bring to it if you left. i am borderline guilt-tripping you not leave. 🙂
i'm so glad this post didn't end with your decision to quit blogging. i love your posts and their messages– and i only like to read blogs that lift me up, rather than tear me down. you are a lovely person and i'm so glad to be a part of this!
and ouchie for your lens. i'm hoping to get my own 50mm before too long.
i just poured one out for your camera lens. i have the same lens and it almost made me cry thinking about it possibly breaking one day.
i love your honesty! like jami said, KEEP WRITING!
i'm glad that the day ended on a better note. God is so good to do that for us. this topic has been on my heart and your post has reminded me why i love blogging, too.
you really are a beautiful and unique lady.
there is no one like you.
this world is blessed to see your heart, how ever much you decide to share.
so sorry about your lens, friend 🙁
and also, i totally feel you. i'm trying to let myself be comfortable with the fact that my blog isn't going to be perfect (by what the pros say). it's not always going to be consistent, or have one focus… because the only consistent thing is that i'm writing it… and that just sounds soooo narcisistic. (or however you spell that word.)
and i like that freedom. in my life, there are waaay too many other responsibilities i have to meet, or boxes i need to fit into… my blog isn't going to be one of them 🙂
and you know i'll still read 🙂
I would really miss this blog if it were gone 🙂 You write so honestly about your walk with God, and I love that. You are also gracious with your words and I think that's what keeps people returning.
first of all, i've broken TWO 1.8 lenses. yes, two of them. dangit.
secondly, i love your blog. 'nuff said.
you have a lovely voice. 🙂
Sometimes I feel weird about blogging, because there really is no "point" to my blog. But I love it, so I'm going to do it! Sometimes I almost feel guilty because I get so much joy from it. How silly is that?
I've thought a lot lately about how God wants me to use my blog. My blog is a fun place for me, but I've also tried to be open and honest about how I feel and my beliefs, so that maybe I might make a difference in someone's life. Not that I'm going to start doing a lot of heavy blogging, but I want to know that it's serving Him.
i was going to type "amen sister" and then saw that bridget already said it. NOT the first time that's happened with her, either. but…for what it's worth…..amen, sister.
i love this post and it has kept it in perspective for me. and i love my 50 mm lens so i am sorry!
You are always such an inspiration, and say what everyone else might be afraid to say.
I'd miss it if your blog was gone, but you've got to follow your heart, live your life, love the Lord and definitely not let sin seep in.
However, I think that because you talk of the Lord so much on your little blog you are truly spreading the word to others. 😉
Follow your heart it wont steer you wrong.
I just discovered your blog recently and feel excited to read the words of a Christian woman. It's tough to find blogs out there that are Christ centered!
I am with Tracie right abouve this comment. Its hard to find Christian blogs, and I just found you.
The lens, that is heart breaking, I know, I teach photography. I know what a great lens that is.
Blogging, I am stuggling with right now. Part of me wants to stop because I don't get comments much lately. At the same time, I didnt start my blog to get comments, I do it for myself. BUt I do feel like perhaps as far as sharing goes, perhaps Im failing at it. Maybe what I write isn't relateable to people and I like making connections.
Hope you stay on, I enjoy your blog but always do whats best for you.
#1) BOO about the lens 🙁
#2) i totally hear ya re: blogging. i write with the purpose of capturing a moment or a day or a feeling. if i felt pressured to blog daily, or to make it "perfect" i would surely feel frustrated. just blog when you can and know that we'll be here…and if just living your life is what you need to do, that's ok too! 🙂
you need this! 🙂
You are doing a fantastic job. I love your stories, your blog and you.
Thanks for this. I am in the same place right now, except not with blogging, with photography. I love it so very much, but I feel like quitting, pushing it aside sometimes when it gets to be too much. I'm afraid of the business taking the joy out of it for me. I usually just have to step back and reevaluate my priorities, and all is well again.
we're both blogging for the same reasons. thank you for putting your thoughts out there "on paper." you are real and we all need to keep it real!
just wanted to let you know….I take the time to read what you write…and, I love it! keep blogging 🙂 CHEERS!
good words, and I totally agree with you. it is super valuable to have a blog. I really like yours.
Yay! I love this post. I feel a lot of the same feelings sometimes, but I think that as long as I step back and look at blogging to make sure that it's not taking the place of others things, it's a wonderful outlet for my writing and creativity! Thanks so much for your encouraging words!
<3 leigh
4:00 is the "witching hour" at my house too! Lol Sometimes I feel like I won't make it through the day in one piece. Great post!
I love this. So sorry for the hard day, seen my share of those. Slowly working my time to allow for blogging…I love it for the very reasons you shared.
so sorry about your lens! i'm glad you're back to blogging. i enjoyed the love stories a lot, but missed hearing from you.
btw, i think it's really sweet that you take the time to comment on other people's blogs (including mine). it's got to be time consuming, but it's nice that you care enough to spread the love! most other writers from popular blogs i comment on don't comment or answer questions, etc.
I love this blog.. I love your transparency, and your open faith. It's one of my favorite parts of the day!!!
thanks for sharing. I go this same thing from time to time. I think we all do.
and can I just thank you for saying that you don't have any goals with your blog? I feel like that just gave me a little freedom that it doesn't have to be all business-y like and it's okay to just go with it. 🙂